
Senior developer with 13 years of full stack application development experience. Enjoy creating solutions to meet business needs either from the ground up or modifying existing applications to address the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. Looking for a new challenge that will allow me to utilize my current skill set, while continuing to grow as a developer.


  • VB.NET Web Forms
  • WebServices / JSON
  • MS SQL / Stored Procedures
  • JavaScript / jQuery / jQuery UI
  • CSS / Bootstrap
  • Windows Services
  • IIS
  • Classic ASP
  • Azure DevOps
  • C# ASP.NET Core / MVC


Software Engineer

J. Connor Consulting, Inc. / Houston, TX  Feb 2007 - Jan 2021


Applications Developed

  • JCCTasks - Custom project management software that allows clients to track projects and tasks and create templates for common occurring projects or tasks.
  • JCCGrid - Allows offshore workers to easily identify governmental reporting requirements when incidents occur.
  • JCCSems - Helps clients meet SEMS safety requirements from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement on oil and gas platforms.
  • JCCInspections – Allows offshore inspectors to upload pictures from inspections and match them to regulations where violations have occurred. Clients can then download a PDF report for each inspection occurrence.
  • JCCContacts - Company directory to match clients with current company services and employees.

Application Maintenance

  • JCCTeam – Updated site from .NET 2.x to 4.x during site redesign. Provided means to distribute information related to the COVID-19 pandemic on public company site from data that originated from a subscription-based site JCCRegs.
  • JCCRegs – Created new section for COVID-19 related information along with custom tagging for filtering purposes. Updated site search to use SQL Full Text function to provide improved search capability along with the ability to search PDF files.
  • / - Updated JavaScript functions in Classic ASP applications to work in modern browsers along with regular maintenance and updates.


  • Created database schema, tables, and stored procedures for new applications as well as updating existing architecture.
  • Implementation of PDF iFilter to index the contents of PDF files so they could be included in Full Text search in stored procedures used in site wide search.
  • Created model driven classes used by pages to retrieve and store data via stored procedures.


  • Created security classes used for sitewide validation.
  • Implementation of SSO across multiple SEMS applications. Adapted workflow to handle routing of users based on the site they originally logged in from.


  • Developed Web Services used with jQuery API to provide AJAX functionality for autocomplete, sorting, and data for dynamic controls.
  • Integration of AJAX Control Toolkit to use AsyncFileUpload, Calendar, DragPanel, HtmlEditor, MaskedEdit, ModalPopup, ect.
  • Integration of JWPlayer to provide weekly video updates for clients on a subscription-based service.
  • Worked with Microsoft Report viewer to create PDF reports based on inspections at offshore facilities.
  • Used Dundas charting software to create charts and graphs for reporting purposes.

Windows Services

  • Created and installed Windows Services to send newsletters and email reminders for multiple applications.
Windows Server
  • Ongoing migration of application updates and server setup required.
  • Configured IIS for new sites and ongoing updates to current sites.
  • Analysis of potential updates to determine feasibility, requirements, and timeframe of completion.
  • Used Azure DevOps to maintain source control and development issue tracking.
  • Creation of business rules while developing new applications to meet client needs.
  • Creation of Standard Operating Procedures.
Quality Assurance
  • Created test cases for quality assurance during updates.
Project Management
  • Worked remotely under the supervision of software engineering manager providing weekly updates of completed work along with estimated timeframes for future projects.

Technology Instructor

Crooms Academy of Information Technology / Sanford, FL  Jan 2004 - Dec 2006

Courses Taught
  • Introduction to Computers
  • Business Applications: Microsoft Office Suite
  • Computer Programming 1: Visual Basic
  • Computer Programming 2: C++
  • Computer Programming 3: C#

  • Created Windows application that imported data from a 3rd party system used by our computer lab to help calculate overall student grades. This replaced the process of manually reading the grades and entering them into a spreadsheet.
  • Head Boys Volleyball Coach
  • Assitant Girls Volleyball Coach
  • Assitant Girls Basketball Coach


Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Information Sciences

University of North Florida / Aug 1999 - Aug 2002

Minor in Public Administration

Associate of Arts Degree

Seminole Community College / Aug 1997 - Aug 1999