
Inspection Reporting Tool

Business Need

We provided a service to help our clients prepare for government inspections. We would send an inspector out to review the facility thoroughly, to allow the client to correct possible violations prior to an official government inspection. Violations during an official inspection are expensive and can lead to a costly shutdown of the facility. We needed a user-friendly interface to create these inspection reports. We also needed a way to standardize the delivery of these reports to our clients.


The JCCInspections site was created to easily provide the results of offshore inspections to our clients.

Key Features
  • User friendly, and time saving data entry tools for in-house inspectors to generate standardized inspection reports.
  • Central repository, searchable by facility, containing history of all inspection reports.
  • An audit trail to document each potential violation and any corrective action taken.
My Highlights
  • Created application, security, and data classes.
  • Added SSO validation to be compatible with other SEMS applications.
  • Created data entry page to create inspections, upload photos, and assign regulations matching the violation for each photo.
  • Utilized Microsoft Report Viewer to generate PDF reports of the full inspections to be delivered to the client.

.NET v4.x, MS SQL Stored Procedures, AJAX Control Toolkit, jQuery, Bootstrap