Incident Reporting Tool

Business Need

Originally, a formal process for this application did not exist. It consisted of calling someone with knowledge to manage the situation, which is not ideal, for several reasons. To automate the process, we developed a system of organizing common incidents that could exist on offshore platforms. After answering a few questions, the user is presented a report that shows their next steps to satisfy government reporting requirements. Lack of accurate reporting of incidents can lead to civil and criminal penalties, or even disbarment.


The JCCGrid application was created out of a need to easily identify the reporting requirements for offshore platforms when incidents occur.

Key Features
  • Users select the type of facility, location, and severity of the incident and related scenarios.
  • Report provides all relevant contact information for agencies and timeframes requirements for reporting.
  • Scenarios are shown with references to corresponding regulations.
  • Definitions of related industry terms and their regulations are shown at the bottom of the report to provide further clarification of reporting requirements.
My Highlights
  • Created logic for DHTML menu for facility selection.
  • Created various administrative tools to help with vast amount of data entry required to populate the system.
  • Refined the report to match user needs after quality assurance testing.

.NET v4.0, MS SQL Stored Procedures, AJAX Control Toolkit, jQuery, Bootstrap